On November 4th, we have our 17th ANNUAL HALLOWEEN CANDY BUY BACK!! It’s a SPOOKtacular event--a FRIGHTFULLY fun day in WITCH kids earn money and prizes while also getting rid of the SCARY, sticky candy they’ve been GOBLIN up for days. Although it’s still a few days away, it's CREEPing up on us quickly, so it’s never too EERIE to make CHILL-dren BEWARE of the event.
We don’t want to leave you in the DARK, so here is the inSPIDER information…we’ll SPELL it OWL out for you: It’s for boys and GHOULS, and MUMMIES and daddies, and everyone! You’re probably wondering HOWL long it will last—from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
And it doesn’t COSTUME a thing. In fact, we’ll be paying them a MONSTROUS amount--$2 a pound. And that GHOSTS for everyone. But that’s only a POTION of the event…we’ll also pay $2 a pound to participating SKULLS….um….schools! (And donate the TREATS to Brother Benno’s food kitchen.)
Sorry that we can’t MASK our excitement, but, to make no BONES about it, we think you AUTUMN come--and tell everyone about it! So, our hope is that we can CAULDRON you to help spread the word. Not that it’s a GRAVE matter, but the BUY-BACK is a HOOT and a healthy way to end the Halloween season.
Hopefully, we haven’t made you too BATTY with our TERRIFYING puns; we’re just CREATURES of habit and have HAUNTED all over for the right WARTS to tell you about it. But, to be perfectly PRANK with you, we not sure HOWL or why we chose to CARVE out so much time to BRAINstorm these FRIGHTENING phrases. (ORANGE you gonna be glad when we’re done?!)
Well, we don’t have the WEREWOLF-all to think of any more TERROR-ble puns, so we’ll wrap it up before you SCREAM! (Isn’t the end of this note a BOO-tiful thing?!) Thank you for helping us get in the SPIRIT of Halloween in a way WITCH also provides a service to our community.