A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

...a legend began. This December, the saga continues. And YOU can be a part of the opening night celebration with Willes Orthodontics!


We at Willes Orthodontics are thrilled to have 200  Star Wars Opening Night tickets to award to our  patients… and we’ve had a blast thinking of creative  ways for you to win them!! For the next six weeks, we  will be holding weekly raffle drawings, with lots of  ways for you to enter, and we also have ways you can  win them outright as you help us spread the word  about Willes Orthodontics. So…BRACE YOURSELF  for our Willes Ortho THE FORCE AWAKENS Patient Appreciation Event!!



INSTANT ENTRY OPTIONS: EVERYONE who wants to be entered into the drawing for our weekly ticket giveaways can do one the following…

-Fill out an entry slip at the OFFICE

-Like us on our WillesOrtho FACEBOOK

-Follow us on WillesOrtho INSTAGRAM


BONUS ENTRY OPTIONS: Increase your chances to win by earning bonus raffle tickets in the following ways:

-Come to your appointment on time, with clean teeth and braces and nothing broken, having faithfully worn your rubber bands, and rocking a happy smile!!

-Enter the various Star Wars contests we will be hosting all month. (See calendar on back.)

-Share our Star Wars posts, using the tag #WillesOrthoStarWarsTix.

-Comment on Facebook or Instagram with Star Wars puns, jokes, fun facts or sayings, using the tag #WillesOrthoStarWarsTix.

-Respond to random, fun Facebook or Instagram calls-to-action.

-Post a picture of you wearing a Willes Ortho t-shirt with the hashtag #WillesOrthoStarWarsTix.



(For those who REALLY want to be there on opening night!)

-WIN one of the WEEKLY Willes Ortho Star Wars contests we will be hosting. (See calendar on back, and stay tuned for specific details each week!)

-Refer a friend who is new to the practice and who has their orthodontic consultation* with Dr. Willes between November 9th and December 15th.  (*Responsible-party adult must be present.)



Each contest WINNER will win two tickets, and each participant will earn a raffle entry.

Nov 9-13

EmBRACE a Star Wars character by adding braces to a Star Wars image or object, and post your artwork on Facebook or Instagram, tagged with #WillesOrthoStarWarsTix. You may also bring your creation to the office.

Nov 16-20

Post on Facebook or Instagram in 100 words or less, “Why I really, really want to win #WillesOrthoStarWarsTix.” You may also drop off a copy at the office.

Nov 23-27

Make a video showing why you should win tickets, and share it to our Facebook page, tagging us with #WillesOrthoStarWarsTix. Our favorite video wins… AND the one with the most LIKES wins.

Nov 30-Dec 4

Create a Star Wars craft: sculpt, paint, cut, rhyme, sew, carve, glue, photograph, illustrate, etc…to show us how much you love Star Wars. Turn in your masterpiece at the office.

Dec 7-11

Decorate a Star Wars themed ornament for our tree—bedazzle it at the office or make it at home.

Dec 14-17

Use your own creativity to show how badly you really, really, really want tickets…and try to WIN Dr. Willes over!



Willes Orthodontics reserves the right to clarify, amend, or discontinue this contest at any time.  Any changes will be published on Facebook, Instagram, and posted in the office. Ticket quantities are limited; once the available tickets have been distributed, the contest is over.


We don’t want to let another DAGOBAH without letting our patients know how much we really ENDOR you!! Our FIRST ORDER of business is to tell you we think you’re HAN in a million. In fact, we think perhaps YODA the right person to win opening night tickets to Star Wars: The Force Awakens! And if not this week, there’s always A NEW HOPE for next week. Even if you don’t usually like contests, this is not the time to be an eVADER. OBI a good sport and just try! (Um... Wait…You should DO! THERE IS NO TRY!) Best of luck and may the FLOSS BE WITH YOU!!

740 Oak Avenue, Suite A
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(760) 434-5031
8:00am to 5:00pm

8:00am to 5:00pm

8:00am to 5:00pm

8:00am to 5:00pm